After listening to customers who need a new way to hear from key audiences (including staff, stakeholders, members, etc.), we are launching IDI of America, your source for In-Depth Interviewing (IDI) services. We will help you gather deeper insights into behaviors, beliefs, feelings and motivations, creating more clarity and understanding.
IDI work is done using video conferencing and one-on-one interviews. Our skilled interviewers set appointments when convenient for those being interviewed. Typically 20-30 minutes in length, interviewers utilize a discussion guide (prepared jointly with you) to facilitate a natural dialogue while probing deeper into key issues and themes. When interviews are completed, we analyze and synthesize learnings into a final report that presents main themes supported by key quotes from the interviews.
Some of the benefits to IDI as a methodology.
• Collect granular and detailed data from participants who can express thoughts, feelings and opinions in their own words.
• Explore new or complicated issues that require deeper understanding.
• Communicate with an independent voice which can lead to more open and honest sharing of thoughts, especially with more sensitive subjects.
• A compliment to quantitative research where survey results may present unexpected or mysterious learnings that need further understanding.
• Listen to customer feedback during development of new products/services.
• A good tool for developing feedback to inform policies, programs or important decisions affecting your customers, members and employees.
While there are many benefits to the IDI method, there are many different possible applications. Of course, what might work best for you depends on your overall objectives and the nature of your audience. This said, some of the possible applications for IDI work include:
• Explore issues to fully understand and articulate areas of interest conducting quantitative research—the findings from this work is generally used to both identify and articulate quantitative questions that are central to the research themes.
• Gather thoughts and opinions from employees on key job-related matters before making final decisions.
• Dig deeper on surprising or unexpected findings from other research to add additional insight or perspective into key themes that developed.
• Talk with members before making changes to benefits or service offerings.
• Listen to customer feedback during development of new products/services.
• Explore controversial or sensitive community issues that might impact policies or programs.
If you are interested in using in-depth interviewing as part of your research process, please let us know. We’d like to talk about your specific situation and offer a proposal.