Sell more ads and encourage your advertisers to keep returning by offering them feedback on how your audience perceives their efforts through the use of an Ad Effectiveness Study.

The Process is Simple:

1. You choose a particular issue that you want to conduct the study on behalf of, and we help promote the study to your prospective advertisers before ad closing.

2. Thereafter, you identify which advertisers you wish to include in the study.

3. We then develop survey materials and distribute them to a sample of your readers.

4. Readers then react to each ad via a pre-determined set of questions.

How Readex Ad Effectiveness Studies Work

Our studies are sold from a rate card. They differ only by the set of questions that are used to evaluate each ad and can be conducted via mail/print or (more commonly) via email/online. We are also able to customize something which better reflects your particular needs and interests.

Choose a study below or customize your own!

Ad Perception

Message Impact

On Target®

Red Sticker

Digital Ads

We have conducted four ad effectiveness studies for over 12 years with great success. Our ad sales staff credits the studies for increased business in those issues, and the handsome reports are always handy in presentations and on sales calls.”

Security Management

Ad Perception™

This study measures Ads only

Questions Asked:

Is the ad:
• Attention-Getting?
• Believable?
• Informative?

By looking at the techniques used in the highest scoring ads, your advertisers will begin to understand how ads can succeed with their target market.

Message Impact™

This study measures Ads only

Questions Asked:
How do you rate the ad’s:
• Attention-Getting Ability
• Believability
• Information Value

– Feedback on either actions taken or impressions generated
– Verbatim responses to “What message or feeling do you get from this ad?”

Verbatim comments bring the numbers to life. Where else will your advertisers get the unvarnished opinion of their target market – just for running an ad in the study issue?

On Target®

This study measures Ads only

Questions Asked:
Is the ad:
• Visually Appealing?
• Easy to Read?
• Offering Enough Information?
• Clearly Communicating benefits?

– An Overall Effectiveness Rating

– Verbatim responses to “What could this ad do differently to better communicate with you?”

Make sure advertisers understand the value of the verbatim comments. They offer a wealth of information about how advertisers can better communicate with their target market.

Red Sticker™

This study measures Ads and/or Editorial
Red Sticker™ is the only one of our four standard studies that measures editorial.

Questions Asked:
• Do you recall seeing?
• Do you recall reading?
• Did you find it interesting/useful?

Recall-based measures dig deeper to help answer what readers did with the ad.

Digital Ad Measurement Survey

Boost your online ad sales, upgrade smaller ads to larger ads, make more sales calls, and strengthen advertiser partnerships. This unique study takes your advertisers past the click counts and gives them a real idea of how online ads will succeed with your audience.

Questions Asked:
How much do you agree that this ad:
• captures my attention
• provides relevant information
• gives me a favorable impression
• clearly identifies the advertiser
• has a compelling call to action

Which of the following elements of this ad is
most likely to prompt you to click or take action?
• picture/illustration
• brand logo
• text
• animation
• unique offer

Verbatim responses to “How would you improve this ad?”

4 Big Benefits

1. Bring in new advertisers for your studied issue or website.

2. Upgrade your current advertisers by setting minimum frequencies, or size/color standards.

3. Reach out more to your advertisers: first to explain the study, then to deliver results.

4. Strengthen relationships with your advertisers by offering sound, creative suggestions about the types of ads that seem to work in your market.

Contact us to discuss your specific needs and interests.